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Ingrown Toenails


Ingrown toenails are painful toenail condition where the sides of the nail rub, irritate, and can even cut into the skin.  Most toenails grow with a gentle curve, but some may have a severe curve, which can cause an increased incidence of ingrown nails.  The great toe is the most common place to get ingrown toenails, but they can occur on any toe.



  • Hereditary

  • Improper shoe size (too tight)

  • Damage to toenails or toes

  • Improperly trimmed toenails



  • Pain on the edge of a toenail

  • Redness and swelling

  • Drainage – blood, clear fluid, pus

  • Bad odor


When to see a Podiatrist:


Anyone with diabetes or poor circulation should be seen as soon as possible at any sign of an ingrown toenail.  You should see a podiatrist if you have experienced a trauma to the toe and pain does not alleviate quickly.  Redness and any drainage should be seen quickly by a podiatrist. 


What to do at home:

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THE NAIL YOURSELF!  This is very painful, and can cause other complications, including infection, and a permanently disfigured toenail.  Diabetics, and people with poor circulation should not try any at home treatment, GO T O YOUR PODIATRIST INSTEAD!   Place the foot in a bowl of warm (not hot) water with epsome salt for 15 minutes.  Dry the foot well, and apply antibiotic ointment and a band aid over the area.  Repeat this twice daily until you are seen by a podiatrist.




  • Trim toenails properly: cut them straight across, not longer than the tip of the toes. Do not dig into corners and only gently round off corners with a nail file. Use toenail clippers.

  • Avoid shoes with pointy or narrow toe boxes.

  • Never rip or tear edges of nails.

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